The Management
The Management
DSIEC which was established by the 1999 constitution and DSIEC Enabling Law 2002 (as amended) have the following duties:
(a) To organize, conduct and supervise all elections and matters pertaining to elections into elective offices provided for the Local Government law.
(b) To monitor political campaigns and provide rules and regulations which shall govern all elections.
(c) To ensure that all electoral Commissioners and other electoral officers take and subscribe to the oath prescribed by law.
(d) To divide and review the division of each Local Government Area into wards at intervals of not less than 10 (ten) years and may alter such wards in accordance withthe provisions of the law to such extent as it may consider desirable.
(e) To carry out such other functions as may be conferred upon it by any other law.
In order to achieve the above mandate, the Commission has been constituted into the following departments/units with specific functions as specified in this hand book. The departments/units are:
(1) Administrative & Human Resources Department
(2) Operations Department
(3) Security Department
(4) Finance & Accounts Department
(5) Planning, Research & Statistics Department
(6) Legal Services Department
(7) Public Affairs & Communications Department and
(8) Internal Audit Unit.
The Departments
"Empowering Democracy Through
Transparent Election Monitoring"

To initiate control, discipline, promotions, training, employment and general management of staff of the Commission.
To support the Operations Department on recruitment and training of ad-hoc staff for the Commission.
To make and keep minutes, records and other documentations for the Commission.
To maintain and supervise the Drivers, Stores, plants/properties of the Commission.
Any other duty as may be assigned to it from time to time.
To perform specialized duties before, during and after elections (coordinating election activities).
To execute the Commission's mandate by production, distribution and retrieval of election materials.
To nominate election observer to the Commission and thereafter coordinate their activities.
Monitor election guideline established by the Commission and report compliance to the Commission.
Any other duty as may be assigned to it from time to time.

To undertake actions for safety of men and materials of the Commission at the headquarters, zonal and local government offices.
Liaise with the Nigeria Police, the State Security Services and other security Agencies before, during and after elections.
To make adequate provision for the escort and movement of electoral materials and personnel to destination(s) desired by the Commission. To be involved in the security screening of prospective
staff of the Commission and candidates for elections. Any other duty as may be assigned to it from time to time.
To process, keep and manage funds.
To advice the Commission on financial matters.
To initiate, compile and present periodic financial reports.
To process and handle all issues on payment of salaries, allowances and other funds for members and staff of the Commission.
To be responsible for maintenance of all books of accounts including cashbook and bank reconciliation statement.
To process and pay ad-hoc staff.
To liaise with external auditors with respect to auditing the Commission's records/books of accounts Any other duty as may be assigned to it from time to time.

To initiate and process capital and recurrent expenditures (budget).
To equip and maintain a standard Library for the Commission.
To initiate project, policies and actions for more effective implementation of inter-departmental activities of the Commission.
To research and liaise with relevant national and international agencies to source for materials and/or fund that will enable the commission perform her obligation efficiently.
To initiate policies and programmes of internet communication technology (ICT) services for the Commission, as well as keep records of both soft and hard copies of resources material (Data Bank) as Library.
To work jointly with Legal Services Department to ensure legal and legitimate screening and clearance of candidates for elections that will be conducted by the Commission.
Any other duty as may be assigned to it from time to time.
To handle all petitions/cases in tribunals and courts of law on behalf of the Commission.
To guide the Commission by interpreting the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and other laws, as well as courts orders/judgments for the safe and efficient/effective functioning of the Commission.
To vet all draft of election documents.
To advice on issuance of certified true copy of any official document of the Commission before eventual release to legal recipients.

To serve as mouth-piece of the Commission to the general public.
To prepare and publish bulletins, hand-bills, documentaries, sign-boards, bill-boards, slogans, posters, jingles, etc, on behalf of the Commission.
To initiate and conduct press conferences, media briefings, public interviews as well as procure public news items for the Commission.
To cover activities and programmes of the Commission as well as handle the social and corporate responsibilities on behalf of the Commission. To under-take protocol activities on behalf of the Commission.
Any other duty as may be assigned to it from time to time.
To examine and regulate the systems and procedures of accounts and accounting.
Draw the attention of the Accounting Officer to any irregular record or accounting procedure.
Verify revenue and payments as well as initiate and keep record of stock and/or stores.
Advise the Commission on matters that relate to formulation, execution and review of audit policies and programmes.
Present annual audit report to the Commission.
Any other duty as may be assigned to it from time to time.